Announcing the10 Emerging Artists Selected to Participate in the Programme ACCELERATOR. Mentorship and Production for Emerging Artists.

April 18, 2022
  • The 10 emerging artists were selected by an international jury following the evaluation of 62 eligible applications submitted.    
  • Mentorship, a group exhibition and public art projects are the main stages of the programme, with a full duration of 18 months. 
  • The project is financed with the support of EEA Grants 2014-2021 within the RO-CULTURE Programme and is implemented by Asociația Culturală Eastwards Prospectus (ACEP).


Asociația Culturală Eastwards Prospectus (ACEP) announces today the names of the 10 emerging artists who were selected to participate in the Programme ACCELERATOR. Mentorship and Production for Emerging Artists.

The 10 artists were selected by an international jury, out of 62 eligible applications submitted following an Open Call which was rolled out during March 2022.

They are: Andrei Arion, Flaviu Cacoveanu, Roberta Curcă, Lucia Ghegu, Mihaela Hudrea, Alina Ion, Maria Mandea, Delia Prodan, Stanca Soare and Ana Maria Szöllösi.

„It was such a pleasure to be part of the jury and to see the wide range of talented artists and how ambitious the proposals were. The program is outstanding, and I am looking forward to observing the development of the participants during the next 18 months.” comments Olga Lilja Ólafsdóttir, cultural manager and founder of Y gallery, Kópavogurv, Iceland

During the mentorship stage, the 10 emerging artists will attend the following workshops: The Art Market and Financing Options (held by Andrei Breahnă, cultural manager); The System of Contemporary Art (Þorlákur Einarsson, director i8 gallery – our programme partner); Curating. The Relation Between Artist and Curator (Tevž Logar, curator); PR, Communication in Art and Writing in the Context of Artistic Practice (Ioana Chira, communicator); Artist publications (Sigurður Atli Sigurðsson, artist); Art in the public space (Ólöf Nordal, artist). More information about the mentors and laboratories here.

„We were amazed and we acknowledge the high quality and the artistic vision of those 62 eligible applications received from the emerging artists who were eager to attend our programme. This confirms once more that the Romanian artistic scene needs urgent and integrated support on several layers: relevant know-how adapted to current times and challenges, resources and presentation opportunities. These are the key components ACCELERATOR offers the selected emerging artists. Personally and together with the project team, we embrace openly the responsibility of the programme’s success, so that the artists really feel they receive a tangible and valuable benefit for their careers.” states Andrei Breahnă, president of Asociația Culturală Eastwards Prospectus and ACCELERATOR project manager

The following stages of ACCELERATOR are:

  • Roll-out of the mentorship programme activities: workshops, face-to-face and online meetings, individual work, one-on-one mentoring sessions: May 9 – July 31, 2022
  • Production of works of art for the group exhibition: August – December, 2022
  • Opening of the group exhibition: January 2023
  • Research of specific communities and production of public space art works: January – April, 2023

ACCELERATOR is the most complex extended mentorship programme for Romanian emerging artists. With its 3 stages – mentorship, group exhibition and public art – the emerging artists will be engaged in a significant game-changing opportunity at a key career juncture.


About Asociația Culturală Eastwards Prospectus

Asociația Culturală Eastwards Prospectus promotes contemporary art at national and international level through exhibitions, cultural and educational projects conducted in partnership with key cultural institutions. Since it was launched, 7 years ago, ACEP received financing for the production of art works; organised over 30 online and offline shows; supported an artistic intervention in the public space of artist Tania Mouraud, held simultaneously in 9 cities; supported the participation of artists in national and international art fairs and developed projects for children and for the employees in corporations, who are interested in contemporary art.


Contact person:

Ana-Ilinca Macri

Cultural mediator

Asociația Culturală Eastwards Prospectus