Alexandru Daniel Florea

Slow.Simple.Sad / Huffy.Harmless.Happy, 2023

desen (găuri) pe frunze găsite, 12 piese de 2,5 x 8 cm fiecare, prinse pe hârtie Arches 300g, resturi perforații, hârtie Canson Fluorescent Pink
62 x 62 cm

desen (găuri) pe frunze găsite, 12 piese de 2,5 x 8 cm fiecare, prinse pe hârtie Arches 300g, resturi perforații, hârtie Canson Fluorescent Pink
62 x 62 cm

The two works in the exhibition – Slow.Simple.Sad and Huffy.Harmless.Happy – present a type of figurative, non-narrative, small-scale drawing made on found leaves. The holes follow the fiber structure and take the form of caterpillars. As the lines are joined and repeated, one can guess various harmless portraits with nuanced expressions, happy or sad, sometimes naive, similar to emojis. This accumulation of different and contradictory emotions is a direct reference and a metaphor for the inner life of leaves – and more broadly, of things. Around the drawings, the space is filled evenly and decoratively with the remnants left by the perforations in the leaves, carefully organized in dotted lines.

The reduced dimensions of the drawings call for a close look, trying to spark a dialogue with otherwise banal and mute things. This contrast between the fragility of the plant structures and their autumn colors, on the one hand, and the oversaturated pink accents, on the other, maintains a playful and nostalgic atmosphere. Like a distant memory that has become just the memory of a memory.