Năvodari, October 5, 2024,18:00-19:00 (at sunset)
Location: On the beach of the former children’s camp in Năvodari
Artist: Dumitrița Răzlog

Digging for an Indefinite Future

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Images Foto and Video credits: Ștefan Schultz și Emanuel Grigore
Video montage: Doina Moraru

Digging for an Indefinite Future by artist Dumitrița Răzlog will be staged on the beach in Năvodari, near the notorious Summer Camp, a once-vibrant hub for children during the communist era.

The project draws inspiration from the bas-reliefs created in the 1970s on the walls of the former camp. The artist relocates recognizable elements of socialist realism from the now-ruined landmark to the beach where the event will occur. This juxtaposition of the ever-changing sand constructions and the vanished summer camp creates a striking parallel between the fleeting nature of time and place.

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