Mihaela Hudrea

Slow Drip, 2022

acrylic on paper
55 x 40 cm
(65.5 x 47.5 x 4 cm framed)

Slow Drip is part of a body of work titled Sequence of Events that expresses the artist’s interest in the start of time, the Big Bang – one of the topics she has found herself reading about extensively.

Mihaela Hudrea distills multiple references stemming from fields such as physics, astronomy, and philosophy into an abstract visual language that she develops quite intuitively, even playfully. Through crisp lines and a striking sense of colour, the artist creates symmetry, asymmetry and a range of movement and spatial tension across the canvas or the paper. By way of her meticulous process, she imbues the works with a meditative quality which challenges the hurried ways of seeing.

Artist statement: “My artistic practice asks for a blending of perception, intuition and knowledge, a dose of collective wonder combined with scientific enquiry regarding our place in the Universe. I am especially interested in notions of existence, reality, space and time. From an ethereal state of mind, and inspired by such concepts that are explored within metaphysics and astronomy, my practice takes shape in abstract painting. The forms and colors that I work with have a flow of their own which constantly leads me to create new ‘constellations’. The way I understand and work with these does not serve specific hierarchies. My intention is to infuse my paintings with energy and poetic meaning that trigger our mind and senses in order to connect us with emotions, thoughts, and events from which we feel disconnected.”